How to Create a Media Kit

How to Create a Media Kit

Table of Contents

Many large companies and organizations have a page on their website to showcase their logos and branding materials. These are known as media kits. Let’s take a look at what a media kit is, what’s in one, and how to create your own media kit for free.

What is a Media Kit?

A media kit, also known as a press kit, is a pre-packaged set of promotional materials that provide information about an entity to the media, potential clients, and partners.

Media kits are a crucial tool in public relations, reputation management, marketing, and advertising, designed to make a compelling case for why someone should cover your story, collaborate with you, or understand your brand at a deeper level.

What is in a Media Kit?

A standard media kit typically includes:

  • Biographical Information: About the individual or company, detailing background, mission, and achievements.
  • Logos: Downloadable copies and variations of the entity’s logo.
  • Fact Sheet: Listing key facts and figures about the business or product.
  • Press Releases: Press releases for highlighting recent newsworthy events or launches.
  • High-Resolution Images: Of products, services, or key personnel.
  • Case Studies or Testimonials: Demonstrating past success and endorsements.
  • Media Coverage: A compilation of previous media mentions or articles.
  • Contact Information: Clearly stating how media representatives can get in touch.

Media Kit Examples

To see how effective media kits are structured, you can look at successful companies in your industry.

Many businesses publish their media kits online, usually in the “Press” section of their website.

These examples can provide insight into the layout, types of content included, and the overall aesthetic that reflects the brand’s identity.

Media Kits for Social Media

For social media personalities, a media kit should focus on metrics that matter to sponsors such as follower count, engagement rates, audience demographics, and examples of successful collaborations.

The kit should also include links to social profiles and highlight visual content that showcases the influencer’s unique style and reach.

Media Kits for Influencers

Influencers need media kits to negotiate collaborations and sponsorships effectively. Their kits should include:

  • Audience Insights: Age, location, interests of the follower base.
  • Brand Affiliations: Past and current partnerships.
  • Performance Metrics: Engagement rates, click-through rates, conversion rates.
  • Rates and Services: Pricing for different types of content and promotion.

How to Create a Media Kit

Sniply makes it easy to create a free media kit for your business or brand. Here’s how:

  1. Sign up for a free Sniply membership.
  2. In your Sniply dashboard, click ‘Bio Pages‘ then click ‘Create Bio‘.
  3. Enter a title, domain name, and link slug, then click ‘Create‘.
  4. In the Content tab, click ‘Add Link or Content‘ to add content, contact info, and integrations.
  5. In the Social Links tab, add links to your social media profiles.
  6. In the Appearance tab, customize and design your media kit.
  7. In the Settings tab, update your SEO and content settings.

Now you have a custom media kit link that you can share anywhere you want your brand to be showcased.


A well-crafted media kit is an invaluable asset that can significantly enhance your visibility and credibility. By presenting a polished and concise representation of your brand, you can attract potential sponsors, partners, and media coverage, opening doors to new opportunities and growth.